Babies are welcome too! - 10 Stories, 10 Years • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
featured - 'Mums and Bubs - Mel Ibbett'

Babies are welcome too!

Visit Pink Ribbon Breakfast

The mums in Melissa Ibbett’s coffee group enjoy meeting regularly to share the fun of parenting. They decided to use one such meeting to hold a Pink Ribbon Breakfast.

Eight women gathered in Melissa’s home with their eight 6-month-old babies. “There was nothing hard about it. It was a good few hours with a few laughs,” says Melissa. “Each person brought a plate of pink food. We played easy games like ‘guess the amount of jellybeans’ where people had to put in a gold coin to play. We decided to donate $10 each, too,” she says.

What was the best thing about the event? “Being around friends, eating delicious food and dressing the babies up,” says Melissa. “It was also rewarding to donate to a worthy cause.”

Melissa’s Top Tip:
Don’t be afraid to ask for help - as a host you don’t need to do it all. Everyone bought a plate which meant one person wasn’t in charge of all the food. Also, it doesn’t have to be a big extravaganza of an event. There was only a small group of us but we still had a blast!
Host a Breakfast now!