News & updates • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

News & updates

Our latest news, press releases, blog posts, Pink Ribbon Bulletins & Pink Ribbon Press.

Our message this World Cancer Day: "Know your normal"
02 February 2024

Our message this World Cancer Day: "Know your normal"

“Know your normal” is one of the key messages we share here at Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, and this World Cancer Day (4 February) we want to remind Kiwis why this is so important.
Promising international trial could add more treatment options for triple negative breast cancer
20 December 2023

Promising international trial could add more treatment options for triple negative breast cancer

Results from the international clinical trial Neo-N may increase the number of treatment options available for people with early-stage triple negative breast cancer
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
November 2023

November 2023

Wow, what an October! It ​​​​​​was so incredible to connect and share with you all - thank you for a wonderful Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Press release
New Pink Campervan kicks off inaugural tour, taking breast cancer awareness to the regions
16 October 2023

New Pink Campervan kicks off inaugural tour, taking breast cancer awareness to the regions

Our new, state-of-the-art Pink Campervan has embarked on its inaugural tour, taking life-saving breast health education to all regions of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Press release
What Google searches are telling us about the state of breast cancer in NZ
02 October 2023

What Google searches are telling us about the state of breast cancer in NZ

A dramatic surge in Google searches related to breast cancer in the last year has not correlated with an increase in mammogram participation. We're worried this may signal a concerning trend about the state of breast cancer in Aotearoa.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
October 2023

October 2023

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Read the October edition of the Bulletin to know why starting conversations about breast health is so important.
Press release
New Zealand shines pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
28 September 2023

New Zealand shines pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

More than 60 iconic sites across Aotearoa New Zealand will be glowing in pink this October to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Press release
Will the next Government do enough for breast cancer?
27 September 2023

Will the next Government do enough for breast cancer?

Ahead of the election, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ has laid down a challenge to political parties to tackle breast cancer – the leading killer of New Zealand women under 65.
Pink Ribbon Press
Pink Ribbon Press - Spring 2023

Pink Ribbon Press - Spring 2023

PDF format - 1.9mb
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
September 2023

September 2023

In this issue of the Bulletin, we share how free mammograms for women aged 70-74 are another step closer to reality as well as a new patient campaign #MyLifeMatters and how you can get involved this Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Press release
Free mammograms for older women receives cross-party support in Parliament
31 August 2023

Free mammograms for older women receives cross-party support in Parliament

We're welcoming the cross-party support received for Dr Shane Reti's bill to increase the breast screening age.
Press release
Pharmac breast cancer drug restriction denies patients “another chance at more time”
23 August 2023

Pharmac breast cancer drug restriction denies patients “another chance at more time”

Pharmac has missed a golden opportunity to allow more Kiwis access to a new breast cancer drug, a move that would have brought New Zealand into line with the rest of the world and removed a disparity that hits Māori and Pasifika hardest.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
August 2023

August 2023

In this issue of the Bulletin, we share recent wins, how together we can make our voices heard to improve drug funding and how you can get involved in Pink Ribbon Walk for 2023
Press release
Breast cancer screening bill pulled from ballot
27 July 2023

Breast cancer screening bill pulled from ballot

Today Dr Shane Reti's private member's bill to increase the breast screening age to 74 has been drawn from the ballot box, taking us one step closer to our older women being able to access free mammograms.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
July 2023

July 2023

Mānawatia a Matariki! This issue of the Bulletin wishes you a happy Māori new year, welcomes the release of the Government's new Women's Health Strategy and has the details for our upcoming webinar. Read more and catch up on our news for July!
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
June 2023

June 2023

The June edition of the Bulletin is dedicated to our patron Dame Rosie Horton, who passed away in May. We share some of Dame Rosie's legacy, a founding trustee and chair of Breast Cancer Foundation NZ and known as a leading philanthropist across the country
Press release
Pharmac breast cancer cost-saving proposal welcome but ignores patients facing “dead-end”
08 June 2023

Pharmac breast cancer cost-saving proposal welcome but ignores patients facing “dead-end”

We're welcoming Pharmac's proposal to replace Herceptin with a cheaper and safe alternative for HER2-positive breast cancer, but we're disappointed Pharmac's medical advisors won't widen access to this drug for certain patients who have run out of options.
Suzie's reconstruction diary part 5: Feeling stronger
05 June 2023

Suzie's reconstruction diary part 5: Feeling stronger

This is the final part of Suzie’s journal. She talks about her recovery and feeling stronger, attending her daughter's wedding, getting Covid-19 as well as her feelings about her new breasts.
Press release
Government stalling on breast screening costs the life of one woman every month
01 June 2023

Government stalling on breast screening costs the life of one woman every month

One woman a month will needlessly lose her life to breast cancer thanks to the Government’s latest refusal to uphold its promise of lifting the breast screening age to 74.
Press release
Pink Ribbon Breakfast website crash: “We still need - and can accept - your donations!”
25 May 2023

Pink Ribbon Breakfast website crash: “We still need - and can accept - your donations!”

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is urging New Zealanders to donate to the first ever Pink Ribbon Breakfast Day, despite its website crashing this morning.
Press release
Budget 2023: "It’s hard to see how the Government is serious about its women’s health strategy"
18 May 2023

Budget 2023: "It’s hard to see how the Government is serious about its women’s health strategy"

In response to the Budget 2023 announcement, our CEO Ah-Leen Rayner says: “It’s hard to see how the Government is serious about its women’s health strategy when this Budget has nothing in it for women’s health - let alone breast cancer."
Press release
Pre-Budget warning to the women of NZ: “Brace yourselves for disappointment”
16 May 2023

Pre-Budget warning to the women of NZ: “Brace yourselves for disappointment”

Ahead of Budget 2023, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is issuing a stark warning to the women of Aotearoa New Zealand: brace yourselves for disappointment that our Government won’t do more to prevent deaths from breast cancer.
Suzie's reconstruction diary part 4: The weeks after surgery
16 May 2023

Suzie's reconstruction diary part 4: The weeks after surgery

After 4 ½ years on the waiting list for bilateral DIEP breast reconstruction surgery and being first on the waiting list for more than a year, Suzie and her husband decided to pay for the surgery privately. This is part 4 of Suzie’s journal of her surgery and recovery. Here she details her experiences over a month after having her breast reconstruction.
Press release
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ pays tribute to patron Dame Rosie Horton
15 May 2023

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ pays tribute to patron Dame Rosie Horton

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is mourning the death of its patron, Dame Rosie Horton, who passed away at Auckland City Hospital over the weekend.