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23 August 2016
New study reveals who benefits most from exercise during breast cancer treatment
Being physically active isn’t just good for your heart, your mood and your waistline. Exercise also reduces your risk of getting a few different types of cancer.
Press release
15 August 2016
Be a STAR and walk for Breast Cancer
Pink Star Walkers are getting ready to line the streets pink for breast cancer at the 2016 NZ Breast Cancer Foundation Pink Star Walks in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
10 August 2016
Lymphoedema signs & symptoms: What to watch out for
Anyone who has had breast cancer surgery or radiation therapy may be at risk of developing lymphoedema.
Press release
08 August 2016
Winning breast cancer studies bring personalised approach to treatment
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation has announced the results of its Innovation and Impact in Breast Cancer funding round, with four winning studies to receive a total of $340,000. The NZBCF believes the winning studies could make a real difference for Kiwi women in the short to medium term, as well as making progress towards its long-term vision of “Zero deaths from breast cancer”.
Press release
04 August 2016
Six new machines for early detection of lymphoedema
The NZBCF is pleased to announce that, during August, we are donating 6 L-Dex bio-impedance machines to hospitals all over New Zealand.
27 July 2016
Mammograms: what you need to know
Whether or not you should be having mammograms, and how often, depends on your age. Here's your guide to what action you should be taking at each stage of your life.
Press release
21 July 2016
New Zealand’s Pink Lady Apples give Kiwis the chance to ‘take a bite for breast cancer’
Kiwis get the opportunity to ‘take a bite for breast cancer’ as the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation announces its new partnership with Pink Lady Apples New Zealand.
20 July 2016
8 Key Messages from Consumer/Patient Day
The Consumer/Patient Day at the Australasian Breast Congress saw over 200 people affected by breast gather to hear local and international experts talk about new developments in treatment and diagnosis.
20 July 2016
Memory and Concentration Problems on Tamoxifen - Sound Familiar?
When Pamela Munster, an American oncologist, talked to a room of breast cancer survivors about taking tamoxifen for ten years instead of five, questions about side effects came in like rockets. It was clear that very few women cruise through hormone therapy without issues.
Press release
20 July 2016
NZBCF hosts special event for patients at visiting breast cancer medical conference
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation hosted a special information day, designed for breast cancer patients, as part of the 2nd Australasian Congress - Advances and Controversies in Breast Cancer (ABC2) on Sunday 10 July 2016 at the Langham Hotel Auckland.
13 July 2016
Partial mastectomy better for survival than mastectomy?
A new study from the Netherlands has shown that a smaller surgery that removes only part of the breast, plus radiation, is just as effective as a mastectomy, and may even improve survival rates.
Press release
08 July 2016
International breast cancer experts in Auckland at special event for patients
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation (NZBCF) is hosting 200 New Zealanders who are affected by breast cancer at a special information day titled ‘Advances & Controversies in Breast Cancer: Consumer/Patient Day’ on Sunday 10th July at the Langham Hotel, Auckland.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
July 2016
Eight key messages from Patient/Consumer Day, NZ's Pink Lady Apples gives Kiwis the chance to 'take a bite for breast cancer', plus memory loss and concentration problems on Tamoxifen - sound familiar? -
Press release
27 June 2016
$300,000 awarded to researchers investigating breast cancer patient data
Two new investigative breast cancer research projects, using 15 year-rich data from the New Zealand Breast Cancer Register, have been awarded a total of over $300,000 with funding provided by a joint partnership between The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation (NZBCF) and the Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC).
22 June 2016
The Unexpected Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteers are the lifeblood of non-profit organisations. Each year, over 10,000 people donate their time to the NZBCF, whether it’s out on the streets, on the road, or in our office.
08 June 2016
Worrying about wasting GPs’ time is stopping people from seeking help
A UK study has revealed that many patients don’t report cancer “alarm symptoms” to their GP, because they’re worried about wasting their GP's time.
27 May 2016
Advanced Breast Cancer Patients Deserve a Slice of Pharmac’s $124 Million Funding Boost
This year, Pharmac's budget is bigger than ever before, but advanced breast cancer patients are still missing out on life-changing therapies.
Press release
23 May 2016
Promising young scientists awarded $160,000 to fund innovative projects in breast cancer research
Two exceptional breast cancer research projects have been given the green light thanks to the provision of research grants from the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation (NZBCF).
Press release
20 May 2016
New database and funding improve access to breast cancer clinical trials
Around the world, the 20th May is regarded as the anniversary of the first ever clinical trial1 and is recognised as International Clinical Trials Day.
12 May 2016
What about the other breast?
More women are having their unaffected breast removed to prevent the return of cancer. But are these extra surgeries really preventing anything?
12 May 2016
Late-night snacking could increase your breast cancer recurrence risk
Recent research is encouraging breast cancer survivors to ditch the late-night snacks and extend their overnight fast in order to prevent cancer recurrence.
Press release
04 May 2016
Protecting the Long-Term Health of Kiwi Women Seniors
Petition Presented to Parliament to Extend Free Breast Screening Programme to age 74
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
May 2016
One simple diet change could reduce your breast cancer recurrence risk by 36%, star-studded Pink Ribbon Breakfast gives patients a well-deserved break, plus nourishing meals on their way to breast cancer patients.
Press release
22 April 2016
Pink Ribbon Breakfast Champions support Breast Cancer Research - Campaign kicks off on 1st May
Thousands of New Zealand individuals, organisations and businesses are championing the cause for breast cancer this May in support of the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation’s Pink Ribbon Breakfast annual fundraising campaign.
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