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Breast cancer
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Tests & diagnosis
The Triple Test
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25 June 2018
Action needed on Maori and PI breast cancer vulnerabilities
A large NZ study has confirmed the need for immediate action to improve survival for Maori and Pacific Island people with breast cancer, and the importance of mammograms in finding cancer early
21 June 2018
Cathy shares her story
What is special about my story? I’m only one of thousands of women who have survived breast cancer, so what makes my journey worth telling?
13 June 2018
Mammogram myth busting
10 common mammogram myths busted!
09 June 2018
Here’s the evidence – time to play fair, Breast Cancer Foundation tells Pharmac
In light of new clinical trial results, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is urging Pharmac to consider giving life-extending drug Perjeta to patients who’ve been missing out due to an earlier decision that the Foundation labelled unfair.
02 June 2018
Add exercise to your breast cancer prescription
New exercise guidelines for cancer patients place emphasis on the role of exercise in cancer recovery.
Press release
22 May 2018
Join us in Spain for our 2019 Pink Ribbon El Camino Trek
Join Breast Cancer Foundation NZ for the Pink Ribbon Trek El Camino 2019 to help make zero deaths from breast cancer a reality.
15 May 2018
The faces behind the research
Ever wondered what it’s like to work in breast cancer research? Get to know two inspiring scientists.
Press release
10 May 2018
Access to 3D mammography for patients in Palmerston North
Now women in the central North Island will have access to sophisticated breast imaging thanks to your generous donations.
Press release
10 May 2018
Bump or lump? Be breast aware this sport season
Bumps and bruises are part of the game, but beware: your injury could be hiding something more serious.
Press release
09 May 2018
South Auckland patients & staff delighted with new breast biopsy chair
A new $18,000 chair that helps correctly position women of all shapes and sizes during breast biopsies is receiving rave reviews.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
May 2018
Rave reviews for new biopsy chair, immunotherapy and it's exciting role in breast cancer treatment, tomosynthesis in PN, plus mybc reaches 1000 members!
04 May 2018
Immunotherapy’s exciting role in Breast Cancer
Our immune system plays an important role in how our body deals with cancer. Hopefully, this can be manipulated for the future treatment and prevention of breast cancer.
Press release
24 April 2018
“Get involved for a great cause!” Nadia encourages Kiwis to sign up for Pink Ribbon Breakfast
“Get involved for a great cause!” Nadia encourages Kiwis to sign up for Pink Ribbon Breakfast this May.
12 April 2018
10 ways to break up with fatigue
Feeling tired, and having issues sleeping, is something that everyone experiences at some point in their lives – in fact, it’s the most common complaint reported to GPs! We’ve put together some tips to help you beat fatigue once and for all.
Press release
06 April 2018
New fellowships seek to shed more light on breast cancer risk and new medicines
A young researcher at the University of Auckland, Dr Barbara Lipert, hopes to learn why breast cancers develop resistance to a new drug, while in Otago, Dr Vanessa Lattimore is using cutting-edge genetic information to clarify the risk of breast cancer faced by Kiwi families.
Pink Ribbon Press
Autumn 2017
PDF format - 2.4mb
07 March 2018
Interview with a Queen: Kamya Ghose on cancer and her new mastectomy bra range
At 23 years old, Kamya Ghose was diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) – the first cells gone bad that would develop into full blown breast cancer if left to fester.
21 February 2018
Te Aroha shares her cancer diary (Part 4)
In this post I’m going to share how I told some of my family members and close friends that I have breast cancer. As many of you will already know, this is a very hard thing to do.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
January 2018
#WorldCancerDay, is there a place for self-hypnosis in breast cancer treatment?, plus infusions, tablets or oranges: when it comes to cancer, what's vital about vitamin C?
09 February 2018
Why you need a survivorship plan
Getting back to “normal” life after breast cancer isn’t easy, which is why having a personalised survivorship plan is vital for everyone who has completed treatment for any type of cancer.
Press release
08 February 2018
Hypnotism a hit at Public Education Day
At the end of last year, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ hosted a free public education day themed ‘From Research to Reality’.
08 February 2018
Infusions, tablets or oranges: when it comes to cancer, what’s vital about vitamin C?
Professor Margreet Vissers is a New Zealand researcher who is exploring the role of vitamin C in cancer, thanks to BCFNZ grant funding and your generous donations.
Press release
04 February 2018
World Cancer Day: unfortunate words - or silence - add pain to breast cancer diagnosis
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ (BCFNZ) has released a video featuring funny ladies Urzila Carlson and Jackie Clarke acting out an awkward conversation between a newly-diagnosed breast cancer patient and her friend.
31 January 2018
Artificial intelligence to add breathing space into health sector
Artificial intelligence (AI) could shake up the breast cancer care scene for the better, according to a study from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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