MoST - Clinical trial • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ


Updated: May 5, 2021

This study aims to screen patients with advanced cancer and unmet clinical needs for actionable biomarkers to be used to guide therapy.

Who is it for? 

You may be eligible to join this study if you are aged 18 years and older, with pathologically confirmed advanced and/or metastatic solid cancer of any cell type or an earlier diagnosis of a poor prognosis cancer and have received all standard anticancer therapy.

Study details

A small part of your tumour tissue, which was collected from a previous biopsy or surgery, will be used to identify a biomarker by doing a laboratory analysis (‘molecular screening’). The screening includes genetic panel testing, which means looking for changes in a subset of genes (DNA) in your tumour tissue and other laboratory assays. You will be asked to provide information about your and your family’s health background, to donate a blood sample and complete some questionnaires.

Results from molecular screening will be returned to all participants. These results may have implications for your treatment if a suitable biomarker is found.

Full trial information

New Zealand

Auckland City Hospital (not yet recruiting)


The Canberra Hospital, Canberra
Linear Clinical Research, Perth
St George Hospital, Sydney
St Vincent's Hospital (Darlinghurst), Sydney
The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, Sydney


Lucille Sebastian

If you think you might be a candidate for this trial, use the contact details supplied, or talk to your doctor.

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