aLLIAnCE - Clinical trial • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ


Updated: October 2, 2020

The primary purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a new low literacy decision aid relating to fertility preservation for younger women with early stage breast cancer.

The primary purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a new low literacy decision aid relating to fertility preservation for younger women with early stage breast cancer.

Who is it for?

The RCT phase of trial will be recruiting premenopausal women newly diagnosed of early stage breast cancer (before starting adjuvant therapy) between the ages of 18-40.

Study details

Participants in this study will be randomly selected (by chance) to receive either usual care or to access the decision aid website. The decision aid includes easy to understand information regarding the side effects of cancer treatments in terms of their effects on women's fertility, and options for preserving fertility to increase chances of having a baby at a later date. The control group will receive an existing fertility-related decision aid booklet while intervention group will receive the website decision aid to look through.

Participants will then be asked to fill out a questionnaire before seeing the decision aid website, and also a questionnaire regarding the choices made and the use of the decision aid after one month, six months and again after one year.

It is hoped that the findings of this trial will provide information on how helpful fertility preservation information is to women with early stage breast cancer, and to improve access to this information by women as part of their medical care going forward.

Full trial information



Michelle Peate

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