October is... - News & Updates • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

October is...

October is...

October is...

October is international breast cancer awareness month

A stark reminder that breast cancer is still the most common cancer in women worldwide

October brings people together from all backgrounds in a united movement

This movement will push for awareness, education, early detection, pioneering research, greater support and better treatment for our patients

October reminds us of those we have lost as well as those who have been through or are still going through, breast cancer

A journey which touches each patient, as well as their friends and families uniquely

October brings together Kiwis from all over, from the bottom of the South Island to the top of the North Island

Determined to get involved, from bake sales to marathons, to skiing downhill at Tūroa in a bikini!

October reminds us to talk to our family

To find out more about our background, to help us be proactive for our futures and our children’s futures

October reminds us to book a mammogram

Because we can all forget to take care of number one – but early detection is the best protection

October reminds us that it’s okay to ask for help and support

We can’t do it alone and a simple phone call could make a big difference

October is full of hope

As we all come together for the ones we love